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Příspěvekod SteveTon » pát 21. pro 2018 10:48:19

Cephalexin medication refers to drugs from the group of 1st generation cephalosporins. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory-infectious diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to Cephalexin.
Capsules Cephalexin is prescribed to patients for oral administration, the main indications for the drug are inflammatory, infectious diseases caused by susceptible to cephalosporins microorganisms: -infections of the genitourinary system – inflammation of the bladder, acute or chronic, urethritis, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea, syphilis; sepsis; infectious-inflammatory diseases of soft tissue erysipelas, carbuncles, boils, stafilodermia, streptoderma; diseases of ENT-organs – purulent inflammation of the middle ear, sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etmoidit; infectious and inflammatory diseases of female reproductive organs - inflammation of the uterus, cervicitis, endocervicitis, postpartum infectious complications, complications after abortion or diagnostic interventions in the uterine cavity; endocarditis; peritonitis; purulent complications after surgery; infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system-bacterial bronchitis, bronchiolitis, complicated pneumonia, lung abscess; polio.
The drug has gained popularity among doctors and patients because of its reasonable price, efficiency, availability of the tablet form. In order to properly use Cephalexin, the instructions for using the medication are not enough; it is necessary to supervise an experienced doctor who will be able to evaluate the indications, weigh the risks, choose the dose. ... exin-500-5
Body na uctu: Zamceno


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